Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Woolgathering was yesterday's word of the day on dictionary.com, and though I didn't have time to write yesterday, I thought it was an appropriate title for a knitblog post. And to use that word of the day in a sentence — it means "indulgence in idle fancies or daydreaming" — I am currently woolgathering about all the free time I'll soon have for knitting. But until that glorious time (about two days from now), here's an update of the super-secret gift I made last month for my sister. Her birthday was last week, and I think the starry-eyed surprise was a big hit! I slightly modified Amy Gaines' "Woodland Animals" owl pattern and added a few personal touches. Stuffed animal toys are fun for all ages especially if there's sisterly significance!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ok, so, I have to admit it.

As much as I enjoyed The Office, Season 3 [insert fancy-smancy little weblink here] on DVD, I am somewhat jealous of Teej's slightly more personalized gift [insert How to Survive in Subtropical Paradise link here]. And it wasn't even her golden birthday...

As a result, I am submitting my 2008 birthday list a full 10 months early. I would like an autographed Dwight Schrute bobblehead [insert fancy-smancy little weblink here] for my ever-so-boring office [insert photograph here, 20 Megapixels at minimum], situated squarely on cusp of subtropical paradise [insert BRLA tourism link here].

On second thought, perhaps I should have listened more attentively to the sermon on covetousness last Sunday [insert Istrouma Baptist Church link here].